ACDC Senior Project v1.0.0
Senior Project for Textron Aviation
No Matches
Inc Directory Reference


 Header file containing functions for configuring the system clock and clock-related peripherals.
 Header file for General Purpose Input Output pins.
 Contains interrupt functions for hardware peripherals.
 Header file for the LTC1298 12-bit ADC.
 Header file for the LTC1451 12-bit DAC.
 Header file for SPI driver.
 Header file for the type bool.
 Header file for intx_t and uintx_t types.
 Header file containing String functions.
 Header file containing functions for system timing using a hardware timer.
 Header file containing various functions for sending, receiving, and initilizing the UART/USART prehiperal.
 Header for main.c file. This file contains the common defines of the application.